Write an argumentative essay
Writing A Comparison And Contrast Essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Sand trap free essay sample
Sand Trap From the absolute first time I was given a Tonka truck, with its mobile dump bed and dozer sharp edge, I was snared on metro arranging. At my grandparent’s house, I would go through hours in the sand box that had been made when I enlisted one finish of a horseshoe pit for burrowing. Monstrous thruways extended over the pit as sand stronghold high rises rose and fell; urban areas of my structure developed and disintegrated. In the prior years secondary school, football and walking band, tests and grades, that is the means by which I invested my energy, in a universe of my plan. I have never truly relinquished my structural building aspirations. No longer do I spend the excursion to my grandparent’s house arranging the following extraordinary, grainy perfect work of art, yet I do imagine how things can be better. Upheld up traffic crossing points and screwed up development ventures send me into contemplating how the tasks could advance quicker be less expensive and more secure, and how I could makes them that way. We will compose a custom article test on Sand trap or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Long stretches of time in that sand box, and significantly all the more sitting on my bike looking as the houses around mine were developed, have left me with a craving to control the plans our general public is based upon. It urged the need to work to shape our physical framework into ideal condition. In school, I have consistently exceeded expectations in math and genuinely delighted in science, and particularly history. My secondary school years have had a large number of difficulties, between adjusting schoolwork and football, and managing a messed up composing hand a month and a half before I took the SAT’s. Indeed, even so consistently I endeavor to improve the nature of my schoolwork, and each semester is better that the following. This is the principal year I am sufficiently certain to compose AP papers, to be what I am as an individual in reality, and that development should proceed into my school profession. As my life has advanced, I have adapted consistently to stay with things that I get right. I make companions maybe less unreservedly than a few, yet once somebody is my companion, I am faithful and trusting of them, and they to me, and we have a genuine, enduring kinship. Football tried me, praises classes exhausted me, and band hurt my ears, however I stayed with it, much the same as I despite everything hold my youth interest with structural building. This quality of character, the force remain with it till my endeavors arrive at realization, will, I accept, make me and phenomenal undergrad. That, joined with my longstanding interest in forming our reality, is the thing that will make me an incredible structural specialist sometime soon.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Phonemic Inventories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Phonemic Inventories - Assignment Example The proposal beneath will talk about the littlest components of communicated in language. One component examined on this theme is telephones versus letters. It is said that human language discourse isn't just worked through up close and personal discussions yet additionally through articulations made through the telephones. For example, if the audience says the word â€Å"puppy!†one will get the importance through understanding of messages ( Fountain and Bishoffs 5 ). The importance of this language is that the individual is bewildered and regardless of whether the visual channels are completely obstructed, the individual on the opposite end will get the message along these lines the hints of language are adequate to permit us to communicate the significance. In the word pup as utilized in the model, the main word utilized only a little air is utilized, exceptionally peaceful and doesn't take a more extended time. The second stable â€Å"uh†. The third stable is equivalent to the first and the last solid is to the vowel â€Å"be†. Single discourse sounds are alluded by etymology as telephones. These words are isolated through a strategy alluded to as orthographic portrayal, which is explicitly intended to compose telephone of discourse happening to people normally (Bartels 221). From the word doggy, the main word shows up as pApi in the IPA. Looking at the two the main letters â€Å" P†in the successions are the equivalent. From the standard English, the letter P for the most part represent the sound, however not for the most part represent that sound for example, from the word expression, the P is quiet henceforth no solid is made during it elocution ( Kenneth 79). In the IPA, the letter P consistently represents th e sound. The second stable in the orthography â€Å" A†in the IPA is spoken to by the image An implying that the sounds are extraordinary. There is no stable in the image A, so it isn't important ( Kunter 224 ). In the grouping, there is an appearance of the letter â€Å"p†once more. The two indistinguishable letters sound not quite the same as a solitary letter, and an individual should know the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Best Cognitive Science Majors and Programs at Small Liberal Arts Schools TKG
Best Cognitive Science Majors and Programs at Small Liberal Arts Schools Cognitive science is the study of neuroscience and the brain. It is interdisciplinary by nature, bringing together everything about the concept and outcome of cognition and the brain: tasks, functions, and its nature. While there is a distinct scientific component, those interested in cognitive science are often also interested in emotion, memory, language, behavior, and reasoning, in addition to where this is all going in 50, 100, or 200 years from now (read: artificial intelligence and the philosophical, existential implications). The combination of these considerations and areas of interest that fall under the cognitive science umbrella actually lends itself quite well to a program within a liberal arts institution. We’ve assembled a list of the best offering(s) below: VassarVassar was actually the first institution in the world to create and grant undergraduates a dedicated degree for cognitive science in 1982. Since then, the field has grown in popularity and scope throughout colleges in the U.S. and abroad. Vassar’s program remains classically interdisciplinary in nature with some unique aspects, namely the selection of an elective path. Students choose from one of ten paths and then must select four courses to enroll in to complete it: 1) Art, Skill, and Performance; 2) Comparative Study of Animal and/or Machine Intelligence; 3) Decision Making, Risk Taking, and Morality; 4) Development and Learning; 5) Evolution of Intelligent Agents; 6) Formal Analysis and Modeling; 7) Human-Machine Interaction; 8) Language and Communication; 9) Mind and Brain; 10) Cognition in Context.PomonaStudents who major in cognitive science within the Linguistics and Cognitive Science Department at Pomona are required to engage in and complete an experimental research requirement as a part of their major. Students are able to take electives and core courses throughout six different departments that offer cross-listed cognitive science courses, including topics on philosophy , psychology, anthropology, sociology, literature, music and computer science. Additionally, Pomona is serious about connecting students with meaningful experience in the field--virtually all students obtain paid summer research positions, on or off-campus TuftsThe school’s Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CBS) concentration within the Psychology major and department offers students interested in this interdisciplinary focus the chance to specialize. Tufts makes it super easy and accessible for students to get involved in research, which is not always the case at liberal arts schools where funding, resources, and research opportunities are relatively limited in scope. Students are also awarded class credit for a vast number of research participation opportunities, both on and off-campus with proper approval from a faculty supervisor who is willing to serve as your Research Coordinator. CarletonCarleton is all about collaborative research. Their interdisciplinary approach is aimed a t students interested in psychology, computer science, linguistics, and/or philosophy to further explore the intersections of these fields through the lens of cognition and the mind. The school’s dedicated Cognitive Science Research Lab has students and professors tackling a variety of diverse topics, from The Harry Potter Study to decision-making in young people. SwarthmoreIn order to complete a Cognitive Science major at Swarthmore, students must complete credits in at least three of the six disciplines that they have designated to fall under the “CS†umbrella: neuroscience, computer science (including computer engineering), linguistics, mathematics and statistics, philosophy, and cognitive psychology. Swarthmore places significant weight on robotics and technology as being an emerging epicenter within cognitive science to which students should allocate specific and dedicated attention. Rice UniversityUnlike many other science-based programs, Cognitive Science majors at Rice aren’t required to take introductory courses in a specific topic. True to its interdisciplinary nature, Rice encourages students interested in majoring in CS to take at least 1 introductory course in either linguistics, philosophy, or psychology. The courses do link these disciplines to cognitive science, but students can choose which they want to take depending on their interests or career goals.Occidental CollegeCognitive Science students fulfill Occidental’s second-stage writing requirement, which requires all students to complete and pass both a Research Proposal and Research Paper, by enrolling in COGS 201: Empirical Methods in Cognitive Science. All majors also must complete a Senior Comprehensive, which are senior theses that demonstrate mastery of a subject. “Comps†are often required of PhD students in psychology programs, so experience completing and presenting this type of research is great preparation for further degrees. All students must also complete Occi dental’s signature liberal arts “core†programâ€"the most unique aspect being the freshman year “Cultural Studies Program,â€: small-group seminars that introduce students to rigorous and high-level academic discourse through writing, discussion, and reading.Beloit CollegeWe don’t often write about this small liberal arts institution in Beloit, Wisconsin. It’s important to include on this list given the rigor of and concentrations within the major. Students are required to choose from three concentrations and complete 6-course units within that concentration: philosophy, psychology, and computer science. Most cognitive science majors end up wanting to concentrate in one area and Beloit makes it quite straightforward to do so. The college offers a robust variety of summer opportunities (many of which are funded by the National Science Foundation) for students who want professional training and research experience. Let us know if you have any questions or if we can help yo u find a school or program that specifically addresses your unique interests. We’d be happy to help.
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Study on Motivation Theory - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2254 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Rationale of the Study In the dictionary, the word inventory means, as an itemized list of goods, property or a list of things what a person owns. Everyone does inventory and it can be done anywhere, to maintain the availability of something that is useful to someone. So, every person undertakes inventory, which can be considered as a natural occupation by an individual. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a need for an entrepreneur to do an inventory, for the business to work with the inconsistent changes in relation to the supply chain. Every inventory of the business tried to strike a balance either of what is needed and what is demanded, considering reduction or cutting is the major factor of cost and it is called inventory management or inventory control. Assets are basically an inventory which are stocks in business. An entrepreneur purchases raw materials for the purpose of reselling it to the customers. In situations where purchasing or manufacturing of the items is not a ble to satisfy the demand, inventory enables a company to support the customer service, logistical or manufacturing activities. For a business to have a successful inventory management enfold simultaneously endeavor to balance the costs of inventory for the benefit not only to the business but also to the consumer itself. It is necessary for a business to keep records specifically inventory records in order to provide an information that can be useful to make decisions on inventory management. A lot of planning and hard work is required to have a successful business. It is like sailing; you can avoid storms with an accurate navigation, but the moment you lower your guard, any time the storm can capsize your ship. Business is a matter of analytical decisions, weighing things down and taking into account the experiences youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ve encountered to formulate strategies to ensure the success and the eagerness to achieve the desired results of doing such activity. The st udy seeks to enhance the practices of the carenderias in managing their inventories by incorporating the practices of the selected restaurants in Cebu City that have been operating for years and have achieved the right way on how to manage the availability of their inventories. Theoretical Background In a long rectangular table, it is a habit among Filipinos to join together during meal time, whether home-cooked or at one of the many eateries in the country, considering it to be an important time to socialize, or to at least communicate with someone. Some businesses started as a hobby, skills or talents by an individual to make profits. In which todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s generation, some Filipinos engage in food business. The concept of selling foods for profits has been way of the Filipinosà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ livelihood, and it can be seen everywhere. One good example is the Carenderias also called as turo-turo, in which customers will point toward the food they want to eat fro m the displayed dishes. Carenderias are known as a quick service type eatery, foods are already cooked and to be served anytime. Also, they serve foods in which it is popular to the taste of Filipinos. Carenderias are easy to build on; all you need to have is a capital, location, the skills in cooking and the word of mouth advertising. Carenderias are a small type of food business that some Filipinos are engaging, in order to sustain the needs of their family. Carenderias are independently owned by an individual, in which all the cases that the business is facing can only be solved by the entrepreneur with the help of the appropriate decision made by an individual. Many entrepreneurs, from ignorance or overconfidence have a difficulty in achieving business growth and development. Perhaps the most usual mistake of entrepreneurs is related to the management of the business. To start a business is not a sufficient skill for an entrepreneur. As the business continues to grow, the ent repreneur must develop a certain strategy to foster a continuous growth for the business. Nevertheless, if the entrepreneur does not advert to this need, He may not be able to manage the resources available properly and thereby record a decrease in profitability or even bankruptcy. This mistake often occurs when the business has reached a certain level of growth. Entrepreneurs should realize that when a business has reached a certain level of growth, business requires a certain expertise in the management that is practiced by people with knowledge and experience. In other words, entrepreneurs should have enough skills to manage a larger scale of business. (Burdus, 2010) Every entrepreneur wants to grow their business and know what factors that affect the continuous development. Perhaps the lack of survival strategy, especially on ways of achieving competitive advantage discontinue the progress of the business. Having a clear strategy, entrepreneurs can determine their target goal and how they can achieve them. (Ibid) One of the most important aspects in running a business is Inventory management; Entrepreneurs should have the basic knowledge and fundamental skills of inventory management. Having these skills, entrepreneurs can properly manage the resources, in a way that he can maximize the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ profits. It is important that an entrepreneur can control the items or goods that are needed for the business, to determine whether the business has enough supply to use. The turnover of inventory represents one of the primary sources of the revenue generated and the earnings for the company. Therefore, inventories are companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s investments that are to be realized in the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ operating cycle that would eventually generate a profit for the business. Also, inventories are the heart and soul of sales and production. Inventories are components that are used for production of goods or services that are sold in the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ daily operating cycle. It is categorized based on how they are being used during the production process. These include raw materials, work in process goods and finished products. Business always needs to keep inventories available in order to maintain the production cycle without affecting the daily operation process of the business. It is important for the managers to properly manage their inventory efficiently and effectively in order not to have too much or too less resources available for the production of the business. Proper management of inventory also includes knowing what resources that should be stored and when will be the next purchase of the resources be needed. Also, it is very important for managers to know how much resources that should be stored and control the level of inventory to avoid the possibility of slowing the production of the business due to lack of resources available and to avoid the risk of having excess inventories not being sold. Therefore the efficient and effective management of inventory helps in achieving better operational results and has significant impact on a businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ profitability. In achieving the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ success, one factor that could really help is motivation in which it has a direct impact on individuals working in the business. Perhaps in business, what motivates managers and employees to do their job is the need to achieve the goals of the business, because when the business becomes successful, managers are rewarded for the effort they have made. The reward that was granted to managers gave them the self-esteem and got even more motivated; in fact Maslowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s (1943) Hierarchy of needs explains that the self-esteem gives a person a sense of value and that sense gives motivation to the managers. It is not only the managers who need motivation, but as well as those people in the business (e.g. Employees). Motivated employees te nd to be more productive, and that productivity makes the company profitable and gives the companys ability to achieve their goals. In every business, thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s always a goal that an entrepreneur need to set out in order to know what the entrepreneur want to achieve for the business. Setting goals is an essential part in achieving success. In fact, Locke and Lathamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goal setting theory (1990) cited by Sarah Pavey explained that, having clarity in setting a goal is one of the principles that can improve the chances of success. Setting goals must be clearly stated and certain, to be able to have the exact path of what an entrepreneur wants to achieve. In addition, having that certain goal needs commitment to that particular goal to achieve what you really want to achieve and believe that you can achieve that goal. The entrepreneur should dedicate more time and work on improving the ability of the business to achieve goals and learn what are necessar y for the business to succeed. An entrepreneur is often motivated in achieving challenging goals for them to enhance feelings of achievement and encourages them to work harder to achieve them. In selecting the right goal, entrepreneurs should also listen to the feedbacks of other people to identify how well a business is progressing. Gaining feedbacks also helps you know if you can meet the goal you want to achieve. It is not necessary that the feedbacks come from the other people; an entrepreneur can also check by simply looking at the accomplishments such as financial statements and analyzing how well a business is progressing. Every business has their goals, and by this, we refer to what the business intends to become and achieve at some point and how this business aims to reach their goals. Aristotle explained in one of his four causes, the final causality that a certain purpose or aim can cause an individual to do an action to achieve its aims. The desire of the entrepreneur to achieve that certain goal depends on how motivated he is. As cited by Elizabeth Eyre, McClellandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Theory (1961) which explains that each individual has their own way to be motivated. There are individuals who are motivated in achieving goals, others are motivated when working with other people, and some are motivated when they influence other people. Individuals develop them through their cultures and life experiences. An entrepreneur needs to be motivated in order to be persistent in achieving a certain goal. To sustain a business goal is, therefore, a condition where a business has to achieve consistently what is set out to achieve so as to succeed and remain in business. Also, setting things incrementally with short-term plans that take it as a stepping stone to larger plans the entrepreneur wants to achieve. Setting goals is an essential part in achieving success. There are several factors that could affect the business in achieving its goals; in fact, t hese factors can be measured using S.W.O.T. Analysis. As cited by Morrison (2014), Humprey has developed this tool to evaluate the strategic plans of the business. This tool is used to understand the strengths of the business that gives them an advantage over others. The strengths of the companies give them more opportunities. The tool is also used to determine the weaknesses of the business that gives them a disadvantage for others and the threats that could cause those troubles. Using S.W.O.T analysis, business can determine what are the internal factors and external factors that the business has to deal with in order to recognize what hinders the business from achieving its goals and what does not. When managers can determine these factors, the management then decides and plans an action in accordance to achieving their goals. Managers are always faced with numerous situations where they have to make several decisions that should give a positive effect on the business. Thus, A tkinsonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s (1980) expectancy-value theory explains that the decisions made by managers are influenced by what they are expecting to achieve when making such decisions. Atkinson defined expectancy as what an individual believes the outcome will be and defined value as how important the outcome it is to the individual. Making a precise decisions determine how a business should be managed because this decisions are ways on how the business can achieve its goals. Figure 1. Theoretical Framework The success of the business depends on how well the inventories are being managed. However, the management of the inventories depends on how the managers achieve their desired goals. Also, the desire of the managers to achieve a certain goal depends on how motivated they are to do their work. Goal setting theory explains how efficient and effective business should make their goals. The goals set by the entrepreneur a re the aim they want to achieve. Thus, final causality gives the idea that the goal of the business causes the managers to do such thing in order to achieve its goals. This cause is the primary reason that makes the managers be motivated. The motivational need theory explains that achieving certain goals makes an individual motivated. Achieving goals give managers confidence to do more on their job, in fact Maslowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s (1943) Hierarchy of needs as cited by Chapman explains that self-esteem gives a person a sense of value and that sense gives motivation to the managers. It is not only the managers who need motivation, but as well as those people who are directly affected by the business. Motivation helps managers in making better decisions. The Expected Value Theory explains that the decisions made are weighed based on the desired outcome they want. After achieving the desired result, this gives managers a job satisfaction. This satisfaction gives motivation to entrepre neur and makes him more productive and the management of the business goes well. A better management of the business leads the business into success and the business becomes more profitable. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Study on Motivation Theory" essay for you Create order
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Show Tables Command in SQL
MySQL is open-source relational database management software that website owners and others use to organize and retrieve data from databases. A database consists of one or more tables with several columns, each containing information. In relational databases, the tables can cross-reference one another. If you run a website and use MySQL, you may need to view a complete list of tables in the database. Using the MySQL Command Line Client Connect to your web server and log in to your database. Pick the database you want to use if you have more than one. In this example, the database is named Pizza Store. $ mysql -u root -pmysql USE pizza_store; Now use the MySQL SHOW TABLES command to list the tables in the chosen database. mysql SHOW TABLES; This command returns a list of all the tables in the chosen database. MySQL Tips Every MySQL command ends with a semicolon. If it is missing, the command does not execute.The MySQL command line is not case sensitive, but commands are usually written in uppercase, while tables, databases, usernames, and text are usually in lowercase to make them easier to identify. When to Use a Database A database is a structured collection of data. Occasions when a database might come in handy when you are working on your website include: If you have an online store, a database stores the products you sell, the customer information, and the orders.A database for an online forum stores member names, forums, topics, and posts.A blog uses a database to store blog posts, categories, comments, and tags. Why Use MySQL Because it is open-source software, it is free to everybody.MySQL can be installed on lots of different platforms.MySQL is usually included in most web-hosting packages.Its easy to use.It works well with PHP to add functionality to your website.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Struggle For Freedom And Freedom - 1277 Words
The struggle between nations may take on different forms but ultimately at the core all people fight for the same personal and political freedoms. Everyone wants to live a life full of equality and prosperity. In some extreme cases these freedoms are blocked by few cruel individuals who for a period of time shape the course of nations. Regardless of the region or slight difference in ideology, all dictators share the same appetite for complete control and oppression. The struggle for freedom may take different paths but the end goals and results are same regardless of different nationalities or ideologies. Protests and revolutions are a few examples of how people rise against the ruling powers. In case of success the leader†¦show more content†¦Japan organized a new form of government in the Philippines and the Philippines wad giving an indication that it will recognize independence. In 1942 Philippines was recognizes as an independent nation. According to David Ch andler the author of Emergence, â€Å"Philippines history is normally divided so that a new period begins at the end of the colonial era, with formal independence in 1946†(Emergence 283). Both invasions led to the nation’s independence. General MacArthur’s allied forces were successful in defeating the Japanese in both Philippines and indunas. Both nations suffered many casualties and destruction during the war. The reason japan invaded the East Indies was because of its abundance in natural resources. Its most important resources were the rubber factories and oil fields. The reason that japan invaded Philippines was different from that of Indonesia. Philippines were a perfect location for Japan’s strategic attempt of its conquest of south East Asia. Philippines were the perfect location to house Japanese troops and like Indonesia it had abundance of resources to help japan during the war. The heavy handed regimes plagued both Indonesia and Phil ippines during the 1960’s. During the 1960’s Suharto came into power in Indonesia. After Sukarno’s guided democracy came to an end Suharto came into power with his New Order of government. Suharto was in power for nearly 31 years and he organized a militaryShow MoreRelatedStruggle for Freedom2308 Words  | 10 PagesAndrew Papis 1 May, 2012 Perspectives on the Individual Final Course Paper The Struggle for Freedom Human beings are emotional individuals. Their feelings direct them in one direction or the next, and brutally establish who they are, and what they do. It is the human environment that activates these emotions, and these emotions that in turn impact the human environment. They can be either positive or negative in nature, and are centered with government and society. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Health Science for Theory - Behavior and Development- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theHealth Science for Theory, Behavior and Development. Answer: Organizational restructuring Organizational structure refers to the arrangement which determines the method of organizing an allocating the roles. It also determines the direction of the flow of information among the several levels of the management. Organizational structure plays a significant role in enhancing the efficiency of the management so that the ultimate objectives of the organization can be reached. In order to create an ideal organizational structure through active participation as well as shared objectives, several theories associated with organizational structure has been developed. For instance, classical theories that include the bureaucratic approach ( Weber, 1947), the scientific management approach (Taylor, 1947) and the administrative theory ( Fayol,1947) are developed on the basis of task division as well as a delegation of responsibilities. Not only that, these theories are based on the formation of hierarchical command line along with strategic and decision making management. Later on, neoclassical theories that deal with loopholes of classical theories are developed. Neoclassical theories are chiefly based on human relationship, benefits of groups and participative management associated with the organizational structure. The organizational structure of Hospitals chiefly involves the management levels which facilitate the command chain in the department of the hospital. More is the size of the hospital more complex will be its organizational structure. The basic requirements for effectiveness of the structure include effective supervision and leadership of the managers and cooperation of the employees. Considering the fact that the activities handled in healthcare sectors are highly complex, effective coordination of the employees is highly crucial. In order to deal with the complexity, the organizational structure of the hospital prepares a blueprint to plan the activities that will help the organization to achieve its mission, vision and goal. The Sydney Community Hospital provides clinical as well as general medical services to the local community. The organization is currently following the functional organizational structure since it is helping it to perform well in the market. The functional structure is represented by a pyramid. The pyramid represents the hierarchy, the individuals associated with the positions and the function of each of them. The functional structure of larger healthcare institute often tends to be vertical as it includes as it includes several levels of managerial control over the organization. Massive range of managerial service is required to provide satisfactory clinical facilities to the consumers. Apart from being simple and cost-effective, functional organization structure enhances the efficiency reduces intricate management mechanism requirements, support career development of the employees and helps the management to take quick decisions. The functional organizational structure, along with firm line off reporting and command ensures accountability, effective communication and control environment. While above-discussed portion demonstrated the efficiency of the functional structure, there are certain disadvantages associated with the functional organizational structure. If the scope of service provided by the functional organizational structure is considered then it can be stated that function structure is not adequate enough for the growth of the mentioned healthcare organization. One of the major demerits of the organizational structure includes its approach to considering the top accountable when the tasks are performed by the individuals who are at the bottom of the pyramid. Besides that, since the employees who are positioned in the lower level of the pyramid are not considered in the decision-making process of the employees, the organization, the function structure does not provide enough cope of career development to the employees. These negative aspects of the functional organizational structure often result in conflict among the employees, ineffective authority alloca tion as well as insufficient preparation for clinical services. Thus, it can be stated that the mentioned organizational structure is suitable for smaller healthcare organizations only. For larger organizations, functional organization structure is inadequate. Considering the gradually increasing health requirements of the population, SCH should restructure its organizational structure. The new organizational structure should also be implemented to providing better pediatric, trauma, cardiovascular and cancer services to the healthcare service users. Considering the fact that the strategy of the management gets influenced by the organizational structure, new organizational structure of the SCH organization should assist the management to develop more effective managerial strategies. These managerial strategies, in turn, is expected to enable the mentioned organization to attain their mission, vision and goals along with providing a patient-centred, high-quality care to its consumers. In order to enhance the consumer loyalty as well as the brand equity of the organization, SCH should replace their existing organizational structure that is a functional structure with the divisional organizational structure. The new organizational structure also matches the strategic objectives of the Company. The divisional organizational structure provides all the benefits of the functional organizational structure along with the added advantage of diversified control. In a divisional structure, a separate manager is allotted for each division of the organization. For instance, a nurse supervisor is recruited by the chief nursing officer of the mentioned organization for managing the nurses of SCH. These type of management ensures resource management, effective recruitment, financial control and budgeting services. In the divisional structure, the concept of accountability is clear. Divisional managers are considered to be responsible for any types of inadequacies or issues related to the service of their own departments. Besides that, since divisional structure involves division of power, employees are able to access the outcome of their performance effectively. As a result, their confidence and skills get enhanced due to the mentioned organizational structure. Other benefits of the divisional structure include the provision of better healthcare to the healthcare service users, career improvement opportunities for employees, devolution of responsibilities and power, enhanced clinical and information control, better decision making and finally, better influence on resource allocation. While the above paragraphs stated the advantages of the divisional organizational structure, in this paragraph the disadvantages of the same will be discussed. One of the most crucial disadvantages of the mentioned organizational structure includes its costly nature. Considering the fact that this structure involves recruitment of supervisors for each department and duplication of the facilities and services provided to the employees, the overall cost of organizations who have implemented this organizational structure gets enhanced. Not only that, divisional structure is also considered to be expensive since it necessitates an head-quarter driven, intricate management mechanism. Hence, due to the high cost of implementation of the divisional organizational structure, this structure is not considered to be suitable for small organizations. Considering the fact that the government has taken the responsibility to provide adequate resources needed by the mentioned organization for retracting its organisational structure, the high cost of implementing the divisional structure will not be an issue for the mentioned organization. However, the organization should have strategies to maintain the newly implemented divisional structure for sustainable benefits. Therefore, the organization needs to implement strategies to ensure adequate working capital so that it can support the structure in the long run. It is expected that with the help of the functional organizational structure, the mentioned organization will be able to reach its goal that involves providing effective service as well as quality to the healthcare service users and welcome positive change in both the external and internal environment of the Sydney Community Hospital. Bibliography Building Organisational Capacity in Health Care400846 Learning Module 1 Autumn 2017 Final Diana, M., Olden, P. (2009). Modern theories of organization. Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development Jeffery Braithwaite, Strategic management and organizational structure: transformational processes at work in hospitals, 395-397, viewed on 04.09.2017 Organizational Theories, viewed from https://www.fao.org/docrep/w7503e/w7503e03.htm Understanding HealthCare Management, 22-23, viewed from https://samples.jbpub.com/9780763759643/59643_CH02_5289.pdf
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